4 Rules to improve your Sports Betting

apuestas deportivas

Introduction We constantly make decisions under uncertainty. From choosing the best route to avoid traffic to skimming through reviews to pick the best restaurant—every day we calculate probabilities and assess risk almost subconsciously. In Thinking in Bets, former professional poker player Annie Duke explains how to make decisions in environments where information is always incomplete […]

A WinnerOdds user shares their experience

A WinnerOdds user shares their experience

Introduction In the iconic film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, hands a pen to his colleague and says “sell me this pen”. Jordan Belfort spotted a weakness in the system (penny stocks sold over-the-counter), and exploited it to the max. “Supply and demand, my friend” The same applies to […]

How to win at sports betting in 2024 (Guide)

How to win at sports betting in 2024 (Guide)

In the sports betting world, most people’s primary objective is deciphering how to win continuously and earn some extra money for the month. While this may sound impossible for many, the reality is that there are several methods to increase your chances of success that have been proven to work over the years. In this […]

Arbitrage Betting: Risk-Free Profits? w/ Max from OddsJam

Arbitrage Betting

An arbitrage bet, or arb, in sports betting is when a bettor places 2+ bets on the same event using 2+ sportsbooks in order to lock in a risk-free return. Although this may sound too good to be true, it’s not! This is possible due to sportsbooks having different odds for the same event. Unlike […]

Inside a ‘Winners Welcome’ Bookie w/ Tristan From Topsport

Inside a 'Winners Welcome' Bookie w/ Tristan From Topsport

In 2021 is it possible to be a profitable bookmaker without aggressively limiting winning punters? The answer is yes. But it’s a whole lot harder. The targeting, profiling, and limiting of winning bettors is getting more brazen each passing year, being a successful bettor has become just as much about your ability to stay under […]

No Limit Bookmakers: Bookies That Don’t Limit Accounts 2021


Having your betting account limited is a frustrating inevitability for profitable sports bettors. A ‘no limit bookmaker’ would be a godsend. Well.. ask and you shall receive. They do exist. Personally, I think it’s pretty poor form to cut someone off for winning. Shouldn’t the possibility of losing be inherent in any company that’s built […]

Best Betting Exchange: Full Guide For 2021

Best Betting Exchange: Full Guide For 2020

The rise of betting exchanges over the last decade has opened the punting world up to a sea of new systems, new ways to bet, and new profitable opportunities. But which is the best betting exchange? I’ll guide you through the list and tell you who comes out on top! I have just read surely […]

What Is Expected Value? Expected Value Calculator For Betting


Expected Value (EV) is the most simple of all betting equations: Expected Value is the predicted value of a variable, calculated as the sum of all possible values each multiplied by the probability of its occurrence Simply, Expected Value is the average result you should expect to receive from the given bet or equation Expected […]

How to Become A Sports Trader w/ Harout Massoyan

The Life Of A Sports Trader w/ Harout Massoyan

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to professional sports betting. Is it a daily grind, or is it passive and algorithmic? Do you wait and pick your spots, or do you attack the market aggressively? The answer: all of the above. From tipsters to machine learning algorithms, matched bettors to sports traders; […]

How To Get Your Betting Account Unrestricted

How To Get Your Betting Account Unrestricted

Having your profitable betting account restricted is demoralising. In my view, it’s also unethical. Well, we found a loophole, check this out… Now, this article is specifically about beating the system; a how-to article on how our own @Miguel_Figueres was able to get unrestricted. For methods to sidestep getting restricted at all, check this out […]