Gana dinero apostando

Invierte con ventaja utilizando nuestros algoritmos de inteligencia artificial

¿Quieres saber cómo? Empieza aquí 👇


Ganar dinero en las apuestas deportivas no consiste en elegir a los ganadores. El secreto está en estimar las probabilidades reales mejor que las casas de apuestas y los apostadores recreacionales.


WinnerOdds CEO

Cómo funciona un Software de IA
para Value Betting


1. Los algoritmos de Inteligencia Artificial estiman las probabilidades

El software de machine learning de WinnerOdds estima las probabilidades reales de los partidos incluso antes de que las casas de apuestas publiquen sus propias cuotas.


2. La app encuentra ineficiencias en las cuotas de las casas de apuestas

Cuando las casas de apuestas publican sus cuotas, en WinnerOdds las comparamos con las nuestras y sólo te mostramos los partidos y las casas de apuestas en las que las cuotas se pagan por encima del valor real estimado.


3. Tú finalizas la apuesta según el valor de cada operación

Por último, WinnerOdds te indica la cantidad exacta que debes apostar, teniendo en cuenta tu propio bankroll y la ventaja o valor que tienes en ese momento frente a la casa de apuestas concreta a la que vas a apostar.

En cuestión de segundos, habrás completado una apuesta de valor única generada por un software de Inteligencia Artificial.

¿Qué dicen los profesionales sobre WinnerOdds?

Histórico de resultados

Invirtiendo en apuestas de valor desde mayo de 2016

Pronósticos de tenis y fútbol

Beneficio total usuarios (WO Tennis + WO Football):



Próximos deportes:

– Pronósticos de la NBA
– Pronósticos de Ping Pong
– Pronósticos de Bádminton

Cómo un método de análisis de datos que automatiza la construcción de modelos analíticos llamado 'machine learning' puede hacer que ganes mucho dinero invirtiendo menos tiempo al día que el que dedicas a Netflix

No hacemos descuentos, ni publicidad, ni vendemos tu alma al diablo, ni te vamos a molestar con aburridos correos.

No nos gusta caer mal al personal.

Qué opinan los que lo han probado

Easy and effective

I’ve been using WinnerOdds for the last three months. A friend of mine told me that he was using a betting website which was the best. To be honest, my first impression was that he was involved in something so complicated and risky as I have never done something like that, I mean, gambling but, after he explained me how the method works and how much my money was going to be safe. I could see in first person his results with it.

The progress he had had during the last year was amazing!! That convinced me of joining to winnerOdds with some savings I had.

After three months, I can affirm that it’s easy to use, reliable, profitable although it isn’t something that is going to make you win easy money in a short period of time, it’s something what you must be pacient with if you want to make a good profit.

# Picks:



Uds. ganadas:


Uds. apostadas:






I’ve been using WinnerOdds for the last three months. A friend of mine told me that he was using a betting website which was the best. To be honest, my first impression was that he was involved in something so complicated and risky as I have never done something like that, I mean, gambling but, after he explained me how the method works and how much my money was going to be safe. I could see in first person his results with it.

The progress he had had during the last year was amazing!! That convinced me of joining to winnerOdds with some savings I had.

After three months, I can affirm that it’s easy to use, reliable, profitable although it isn’t something that is going to make you win easy money in a short period of time, it’s something what you must be pacient with if you want to make a good profit.

Ver review completa
The best investment I've made in my life

For years I tried to invest in my future, my goal is to have a passive income that allows me to live without worrying about money. I tried online business, stock market, property investing, etc. My life changed when a common friend introduced me to the CEO of WinnerOdds, we had a very interesting conversation through Skype, Miguel explained me how WinnerOdds works even offered me to try WO to see how it works.

My experiences with sport bets were recreational, for fun, I never thought you could earn money with that. As I said, this chat with Miguel changed my understanding about betting. He explained everything to me, how WO works, the numbers behind, the team and he told me that this is a long term invest.

So after trying it, I decided to start my own account almost 2 years ago, I was expecting a low ROI but after just 3 months I triple my initial bank, even when the sport bookies limited my bets.

Besides being an effective method, it is also simple and safe. Anyone can use WinnerOdds, the program sends you notifications to your personal email when WO has new match bet and tells you everything you need to do, players, tournament and how much to bet. WinnerOdds has recently created a Telegram community where we can ask our doubts or send our suggestions.

Fortunately, I could see the progression and evolution of WinnerOdds and the growth of the community with more and more users and an effective investment method. Some of my friends asked me about WO after explaining it to my friends and show them how it works they decided to start investing withWinnerOdds. Since the first day they are thanking me for recommending them WinnerOdds.

It might sounds strange to you how it seemed to me at first, I was skeptical about earning money betting in sports based on my previous experiences. But after starting, step by step, bet by bet, my bank has increased 10 times the amount I first started.

No investment method has given me that much with such a low risk.

Please, any doubt to anything you need to ask, we are here to help you!

# Picks:



Uds. ganadas:


Uds. apostadas:





20.531,00 €

For years I tried to invest in my future, my goal is to have a passive income that allows me to live without worrying about money. I tried online business, stock market, property investing, etc. My life changed when a common friend introduced me to the CEO of WinnerOdds, we had a very interesting conversation through Skype, Miguel explained me how WinnerOdds works even offered me to try WO to see how it works.

My experiences with sport bets were recreational, for fun, I never thought you could earn money with that. As I said, this chat with Miguel changed my understanding about betting. He explained everything to me, how WO works, the numbers behind, the team and he told me that this is a long term invest.

So after trying it, I decided to start my own account almost 2 years ago, I was expecting a low ROI but after just 3 months I triple my initial bank, even when the sport bookies limited my bets.

Besides being an effective method, it is also simple and safe. Anyone can use WinnerOdds, the program sends you notifications to your personal email when WO has new match bet and tells you everything you need to do, players, tournament and how much to bet. WinnerOdds has recently created a Telegram community where we can ask our doubts or send our suggestions.

Fortunately, I could see the progression and evolution of WinnerOdds and the growth of the community with more and more users and an effective investment method. Some of my friends asked me about WO after explaining it to my friends and show them how it works they decided to start investing withWinnerOdds. Since the first day they are thanking me for recommending them WinnerOdds.

It might sounds strange to you how it seemed to me at first, I was skeptical about earning money betting in sports based on my previous experiences. But after starting, step by step, bet by bet, my bank has increased 10 times the amount I first started.

No investment method has given me that much with such a low risk.

Please, any doubt to anything you need to ask, we are here to help you!

Ver review completa
Les debo la Boda

Inmejorable. Mas de 15.000 euros en 1 año.
Desde el primer dia ganando dinero.
Solo 1 mes en negativo y porque las casas limitan, sino, seria la ostia.

No puedo decir nada malo. Casi 1500 euros al mes…mas que trabajando.


# Picks:



Uds. ganadas:


Uds. apostadas:






Inmejorable. Mas de 15.000 euros en 1 año.
Desde el primer dia ganando dinero.
Solo 1 mes en negativo y porque las casas limitan, sino, seria la ostia.

No puedo decir nada malo. Casi 1500 euros al mes…mas que trabajando.


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Entendemos que algo tan bueno genere algunas dudas.

La banca mínima para utilizar WO Tenis es de 1000€. No deberías comenzar con una banca inferior porque el coste del servicio estaría comprometiendo tu rentabilidad.

Tal y como puedes calcular en nuestro histórico promedio de usuario, el promedio de beneficio en WO Tenis son 20 unidades al mes por usuario.

Con una banca fija de 1000 euros, estarías ganando alrededor de 200€ al mes. Con una cantidad inferior tus ganancias podrían no cubrir gastos o soportar algún mes con varianza negativa.

Sin embargo, nosotros te recomendamos comenzar con una banca de 5000€.

Actualmente no ofrecemos periodo de prueba ni nada parecido.

Puede que hayas leído que en alguna ocasión lo hemos ofrecido, pero ha sido solo para usuarios de nuestra lista que hace tiempo que nos siguen y que estamos seguros, por los contenidos que han leído, de que van a saber aprovechar el sistema.

Si en algún momento ofrecemos esta opción, lo comunicaremos a través de nuestra newsletter.

De todas formas, aunque entendemos que los usuarios quieran probar WinnerOdds antes de entrar, no deberías decidir invertir o no invertir en WO por una prueba de una semana.

El éxito del sistema está en el largo plazo.

Diseñado para principiantes
Pensado para profesionales

Automatic value betting software

The Artificial Intelligence algorithm used by WinnerOdds estimates the real probabilities of the matches even before the bookmakers publish their odds

Odds comparison tool. More than 40 bookies minotered

The Artificial Intelligence algorithm used by WinnerOdds estimates the real probabilities of the matches even before the bookmakers publish their odds

Automatic and advanced variable staking plan

The Artificial Intelligence algorithm used by WinnerOdds estimates the real probabilities of the matches even before the bookmakers publish their odds

Complete suite with all the tools of a professional punter

The Artificial Intelligence algorithm used by WinnerOdds estimates the real probabilities of the matches even before the bookmakers publish their odds

Descubre cómo, de verdad, se gana dinero invirtiendo en apuestas deportivas



Cómo ganar dinero apostando

Descubre los conceptos necesarios para invertir en apuestas deportivas con esta lectura imprescindible

Cómo un método de análisis de datos que automatiza la construcción de modelos analíticos llamado 'machine learning' puede hacer que ganes mucho dinero invirtiendo menos tiempo al día que el que dedicas a Netflix

No hacemos descuentos, ni publicidad, ni vendemos tu alma al diablo, ni te vamos a molestar con aburridos correos.

No nos gusta caer mal al personal.


Si quieres saber quién está detrás de escena...

Conoce al equipo de cracks que está detrás del software de apuestas deportivas más avanzado.