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WO Features (4/4) - All the Tools Professional Bettors Need

All the Tools Professional Bettors Need

Our comprehensive betting toolset offers automated notifications for new bets, a professional tracking system to monitor your betting history, and a ‘totalizing’ feature that simplifies splitting your stake across multiple bookmakers.

APP WinnerOdds features

Intuitive betting interface

WinnerOdds delivers a comprehensive, user-friendly interface, letting you complete a bet in under a minute. You don’t need to be a betting expert—we’ve developed a tool that streamlines the entire process and works on any device.

  • Minimum Profitable Odds (MPO) displayed for each sports event
  • Handy filters for organization
  • Automatic stake calculation based on your bankroll
  • 100+ monitored bookmakers
  • “Totalize” feature for easily splitting your stake across multiple bookmakers
  • Comprehensive bet-logging system
  • Value bets highlighted in green when the bookmakers’ odds exceed the MPO
WO Features (4/4) - All the Tools Professional Bettors Need

“Totalize” your bets across multiple bookmakers

When you wager the full recommended stake for a bet, we say you’ve totalized that bet.

Sometimes, as your bankroll grows or due to market/bookmaker limits, you won’t be able to place the full recommended stake at a single bookmaker.

With WinnerOdds’ totalizing feature, you can quickly and easily divide the recommended stake among multiple bookmakers.

The remaining stake is automatically updated when you log your bets—based on each bookmaker’s odds, the bet’s value, and your bankroll—until you fully wager the stake. Once that’s done, WinnerOdds marks the match as totalized.

WO Features (4/4) - All the Tools Professional Bettors Need
WO Features (4/4) - All the Tools Professional Bettors Need

Automated notifications for new bets

We’ll alert you via email, Telegram, or our iOS/Android notifications app as soon as new bets appear, so you won’t need to keep refreshing the page—allowing you to optimize your time and place bets efficiently.

WO Features (4/4) - All the Tools Professional Bettors Need

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