Value Bets with Dynamic Minimum Profitable Odds

Cuota Mínima Rentable Dinámica

Improvement of the Winnerodds’ algorithm by including new information in the calculation of the Minimum Profitable Odds. Since now, WinnerOdds estimated the probabilities of a tennis match based in a huge database of previous information. WinnerOdds used that estimation in order to determine the minimum profitable odds. Since the bookmakers published their own odds and […]

ODDS 2.0 – The new WinnerOdds Value Betting Interface

ODDS 2.0 - La renovada y potente interfaz para apostar a Cuotas con Valor|Bookies WinnerOdds Value Betting|WinnerOdds Odds 2.0 Value Betting

The new WinnerOdds value betting interface has arrived will be available starting next Tuesday, February 20 for €79 a month. It is a total renovation of our Value betting webpage that includes, among others, the following characteristics and functions: Monitored odds in 22 bookmakers. A clearer and more intuitive New Interface. Integrated Tool ‘Complete Your […]