How does WinnerOdds calculate how much to wager per bet?

Introduction A potential subscriber asked us this question right before signing up: “It’s hard for me to commit to a service that sounds this good without understanding how you manage risk for each bet.” It’s a fair question. When money is on the line—and you’re dealing with a system that calculates its own minimum profitable […]
4 Rules to improve your Sports Betting

Introduction We constantly make decisions under uncertainty. From choosing the best route to avoid traffic to skimming through reviews to pick the best restaurant—every day we calculate probabilities and assess risk almost subconsciously. In Thinking in Bets, former professional poker player Annie Duke explains how to make decisions in environments where information is always incomplete […]
A WinnerOdds user shares their experience

Introduction In the iconic film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, hands a pen to his colleague and says “sell me this pen”. Jordan Belfort spotted a weakness in the system (penny stocks sold over-the-counter), and exploited it to the max. “Supply and demand, my friend” The same applies to […]
How to win at sports betting in 2024 (Guide)

In the sports betting world, most people’s primary objective is deciphering how to win continuously and earn some extra money for the month. While this may sound impossible for many, the reality is that there are several methods to increase your chances of success that have been proven to work over the years. In this […]
We’ve stopped monitoring Pinnacle

Beating Pinnacle’s lines is regarded as the pinnacle of success in sports betting. They’re known for offering the tightest odds, high market liquidity, and, most importantly, for not limiting the accounts of winning users. It’s, undoubtedly, one of the best betting sites worldwide. So, you’ll be asking, why would WinnerOdds, a service that has proven […]
WinnerOdds 2024 Tennis Results

I have to admit that this WinnerOdds Tennis results article is one of my favorites to write every year. It helps me gather the most important data, check that the machine is still running as smoothly as ever, and of course, inform all users (and the curious) about the milestones we are achieving. And as […]
WinnerOdds 2023 Tennis Results

In 2023, WinnerOdds Tennis has gone through the first “normal” year in terms of number of worldwide competitions and matches since that fateful March of 2020. As is customary at this time of the year, we’ll recap the results yielded by WinnerOdds Tennis last year. General Stats: Since May 2016, when we started to output […]
4 mental models to boost your WinnerOdds results

Introduction Something I’ve realized over the years is that regular bettors suffer from a feeble mindset that makes them agonize during rough patches and hardly enjoy themselves when it’s smooth sailing. Science has led us to believe that we’re rational beings. And that that’s what sets us apart from animals. But, the way I see […]
WinnerOdds 2023 Results – Tennis Stats

So far, 2023 has been the first “normal” year in terms of the number of worldwide competitions and matches since that fateful March 2020. And like we do every year around these times, we’ll show the tennis stats since our launch as well as those relevant to the first semester of 2023. We’ll make use […]
ELI5: WinnerOdds for dummies

Introducción Sometimes we mistake complexity for intelligence. More often than we’d like to admit, we assume that if we use technical, uncommon, or foreign words, we’ll appear more in the know. I read recently that “complexity only appears intelligent to stupid people”. Look, I’m an engineer, and one of the things I do most is […]