In the iconic film “The Wolf of Wall Street”, Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, hands a pen to his colleague and says “sell me this pen”.
Jordan Belfort spotted a weakness in the system (penny stocks sold over-the-counter), and exploited it to the max.
“Supply and demand, my friend”
The same applies to sports betting. The system’s weakness lies in loose bookmaker odds, while the strength lies in having betting accounts and a system like WinnerOdds.
Some patiently wait for the perfect moment to invest. They wait for Bitcoin to dip before getting in. They wait until the bookies no longer limit accounts.
Here’s a saying I love:
“Not winning is the same as losing”
That defines the story of today’s protagonist, who chose to remain anonymous. He didn’t just wait. He saw an opportunity, took the bull by the horns, and went all in.
As a 38-year-old freelance consultant from Belgium, he shared with us how WinnerOdds changed his life in just a few months, obtaining enough extra income from sports betting that he even had to temporarily put his work on hold.
After reading his story, you’ll also understand why Miguel said to me:
“Even I would take a few months off work in his place”
But don’t get ahead of yourself.
This isn’t a story about how to make a living off sports betting. Nor about becoming a professional. Nor about making millions and hitting the jackpot. It’s a real story told word for word by our main character, both on Discord and through emails, and it shows that opportunities are always lying right there, ready to be taken by those who are willing to.
With that, here’s his journey. I trust you’ll find it inspiring.
What brought him to WinnerOdds?
Our Belgian user stumbled upon WinnerOdds through a recommendation from Joseph Buchdahl on Twitter.
“I’ve read his books and his website, and I know he judges tipsters and systems fairly and statistically”
That gave him the confidence to explore the platform, and after some research, he chose to try out WinnerOdds Football in September 2023.
His first impression was positive:
“The portal is clear, you get notifications when new bets arrive (which are available at your bookmakers), statistics and reporting are also very handy!”
He gradually gained more confidence, and eventually felt ready to jump to the next level.
From Football to Table Tennis: Full-Time Dedication
After four months in WinnerOdds Football, he chose to delve into our Table Tennis algorithm.
“The yield is amazing (around 8% per bet) and the volume is enormous (all day, everyday table tennis matches)”
When he saw what the system was capable of, he knew it was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up, and he didn’t hesitate to take a break from his consulting work to devote all his time to table tennis betting.
Such decisions require courage and a careful calculation of opportunity cost. What if it doesn’t pay off?
It’s important to assess if the marginal utility outweighs the risks. Belgium, as we’ll see later, offers very enticing tax conditions that leaned him to his decision.
“I put my contract with my client on hold, so I could dedicate all my time to the table tennis subscription (and on the side the football bets)”.
Record-breaking earnings in a single WO month
Perhaps one of his most impressive feats was his record-breaking month. Although the number officially registered on his account was €34,000, he actually made far more, but his intensive workload sometimes kept him from logging all the bets he placed.
“My exact profit for the month of February was a whopping €45,701.39. To be honest, it feels great to have achieved such a profit, it’s always nice to be rewarded for the risks you take and the hard work you put in.”
To achieve these results, he was betting incessantly, even visiting physical bookmakers to make the most of every opportunity at his disposal.
“The ‘how’ is simple: hard work and almost no sleep!”
“In the end, that’s what you have to do, you have to place as much money as possible (considering your bankroll, of course).”
Stoicism Influences
A crucial aspect of betting—especially at this level—is managing emotions and mindset. He shared that one of his guiding principles is Marcus Aurelius’s Stoicism, emphasizing the importance of controlling one’s thoughts.
The most powerful lesson he’s drawn from it is that in betting, it’s vital to accept that certain things are beyond control, and to focus on one’s actions instead—something that proved essential for handling variance.
And really, our inability to tame our emotions accounts for 80% of failures. In a volatile environment like sports betting, this philosophy helped him overcome rough patches and stay firm.
His chosen quote from Marcus Aurelius encapsulates this mentality:
“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Is it possible to beat sharp bookmakers?
We also inquired about this.
Some time ago, we published an article explaining why we stopped monitoring Pinnacle. It’s not that we couldn’t beat them anymore, but that it wasn’t worth sharing information with them that was later being used against us.
We wanted to know if he had been able to work with sharp bookies. Many people believe that outplaying them is borderline impossible, but this user proves otherwise.
Although he admits it’s challenging, he assures us it’s possible with enough speed and a sizable bankroll.
“If you want to beat the sharp bookmakers using WinnerOdds, you must be fast and have a large bankroll.”
Despite the difficulty, he managed to pocket €27,816 with WinnerOdds Football and Tennis on sharp bookmakers.
“Safe to say that I did manage to get something out of them. However, soft bookmakers are still way better for your profit, as you can earn a lot more from them. The downside is of course that after a while they limit you.”
What’s his daily routine like?
He shared with us that, for a little while, he used all three WinnerOdds services (football, tennis, and table tennis) simultaneously. In his words, his daily life became madness and the hardest he had to work.
“I tried to get up around 6:00 in the morning so I could start placing table tennis bets and the missed football + tennis bets. At around 2:00 I usually stopped betting and went directly to bed. So most days I only slept 4 hours.”
Nothing would be possible without a weighty volume of bets, which ultimately did the heavy lifting, allowing him to secure significant monthly profits.
“If you only use the tennis and football subscription, there is less volume and you don’t need as much sacrifice”
Taxes Matter
Turns out, Belgian gambling tax laws sped him ahead of the curve.
“It is a bit of a gray zone, according to the law you don’t need to pay taxes on gambling winnings, so in essence it is tax free.”
“However, if you don’t have a job, or you bet professionally, they do see it as an income and then you need to pay taxes on your winnings. They also do not have guidelines for when it is professional or not, so as I said it remains a gray zone”
He ended with a practical conclusion for those in the same situation as him:
“If you live in Belgium and you have a normal job on which you pay your taxes, you can gamble and win tax free”.
This legal loophole enabled him to focus on betting without concern over tax obligations, provided he maintained his professional activities.
Is WinnerOdds worth your time?
For those who worry about account limitations or closures, this user emphasizes the active-investment nature of WinnerOdds.
“WinnerOdds is one of the best active investments you can find. You have to put in a lot of effort and time to make money with it, but if you do, you will be rewarded.”
Additionally, he advises using strategies to circumvent limitations, such as reopening accounts through Europe’s GDPR laws, or by betting with foreign and sharp bookmakers.
Two Skills to Hone for Success with WinnerOdds
For those considering venturing into this path, our user had a couple valuable tips:
“I also made a lot of sacrifices in my personal life: missing out on parties, social events, even birthdays… I believe that if you want to make the best of something and make a lot of money, it can’t be done without sacrifice and hard work”
This level of discipline allowed him to surpass his goals, but also brought personal challenges.
“I sometimes get the feeling I used up so many endorphins from of the winnings that my overall happiness is more leveled out”
Emotional Control
One of the toughest nuances of betting is dealing with variance.
“If you get too involved with the results, you will be super happy when winning and very unhappy when losing, these states of mind will have a huge impact on your relations. So try to flatten out your emotions when it comes to betting”
“Try to look at betting as a normal job with fluctuating results”
Accept variance as part of the game.
Balancing betting with his personal life
He’s been investing in sports betting since 2013, even developing his own systems at times. As such, he has clear advice for those worried about the opinion of friends and family:
“For those who fear their family/friend’s reactions, there are two options: option 1 don’t tell them anything. Option 2 tell them exactly what you’re doing and first and foremost that you are not gambling, you are investing! I always give them the mathematical explanation (for those who understand it), because the numbers don’t lie. I would suggest the 2nd option and to be open about it—it will give you peace of mind.”
He assures that this type of transparency offers both tranquility and freedom to focus on betting without the pressure of secrecy. And while he dedicates time and effort to betting, he emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance.
“Try to find a good balance between betting and your personal life! Make sure you still have time for your friends and family, they are more important than betting!”
Keeping this balance has been essential for his success without losing sight of what matters most.
Our protagonist’s story is a clear example of someone who saw an opportunity and had the courage to make sacrifices to seize it.
No sudden windfall or becoming a millionaire overnight; his success came from hard work, waking up early, never resting on his laurels, and learning to manage emotions when things didn’t go well.
PS: Here are their results with WinnerOdds over all this time. Draw your own conclusions.