
New bookmakers monitored by WinnerOdds

Nuevas casas de apuestas monitorizadas por WinnerOdds|

As @LeoMargets says: “Not winning is the same as losing, do not miss opportunities”. That’s why we never settle and continue working to add new monitored bookmakers to the system, take maximum profit of the Value Bets and split our bets as much as possible.

And we are very happy because it will allow us to continue exploiting the 3 rules to earn money betting.

3 rules to earn money betting

Rule number 1 to make money betting is to use a method with positive expected value in the long term, EV+, (Like WinnerOdds).

Rule number 2 is to increase the performance of that EV + method by making the maximum possible number of profitable bets, comparing the odds between all the bookmakers and always betting on the highest odds available above the Minimum Profitable Odds.

And rule number 3 to win money betting for as long as possible, is to split your bets among the maximum number of bookmakers possible, in order to avoid the abuses the restrictions of the bookmakers.

With WinnerOdds you already have the EV+ method which is the most important.

But we are aware that in order to maximize the investment in sports betting the other 2 rules are of vital importance.

For this reason, we continue working every day to incorporate new monitored bookmakers so that we can take full advantage of the winning system we have.

New bookmakers included in WinnerOdds

  • 10bet
  • Betmotion
  • Betolimp
  • Betboro
  • Betway
  • Bonkersbet
  • Ebingo
  • Casino Barcelona
  • Casino Madrid
  • Jetbull
  • LSBet
  • Novibet
  • Paddy Power

With these bookmakers, we are close to include 40 monitored bookmakers in our system.

But, what are the best bookmakers? Or, what new bookmakers should you open now?

Our recommendation is that you always have as many open bookmakers as possible.

It is the way to increase the number of betting opportunities and always take advantage of the highest odds by comparing them with WinnerOdds (or another odds comparator) and also avoid the account restrictions by diversifying your profits among them.

You can check all the bookmakers monitored by WinnerOdds in the following link: Bookmakers in WinnerOdds


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Picture of Miguel Figueres
Miguel Figueres
Civil Engineer and Associate Professor at the UPV, specializing in Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Creator of WinnerOdds.

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apuestas deportivas
  1. Miguel Figueres
    luis alberto bocio

    me gustaria ser parte pero en el pais donde vivo la cantidad de casas de apuestas estan muy reducidas

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